Australian Fresh Fish (AFF) is a group of 7 Silver Perch farmers that have got together and formed their own marketing company. The 7 growers are spread all over the state from Wagga Wagga to Grafton and many places in between. AFF growers have set the highest of Quality Assurances on themselves and this ensures that when you buy a Australian Fresh Fish it is the best Silver Perch on the market. AFF have decided that we are only going to sell farmed fish only.So our product selection is limted to mainly Silver Perch with a few Murray Cod and Yellow Belly available at the right time of year. AFF growers tag all their fish with a gill tag that enables each fish to be traced back to the time, place and pond from which the fish have come from. So if its quality you're after look for the AFF tags on Silver Perch and be guaranteed quality fresh fish. To buy Australian Fresh Fish, email Mark on..... ...and Mark can put you in touch with AFF agents in Sydney and elsewhere.
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